
holy macaroni batman!!

Time for an update! So things have been really crazy! Let's start off with two days after I got engaged. So two days later I was still competing in Blue Mountain and I was in the middle of doing the Lyrical Group dance on stage when I suddenly fell. I managed to sprain my ankle bad enough that a trip to the E.R. was mandatory.
So that was then.. I'm still unable to do a lot of heavy jumps but I've been doing a lot better. I got off the crutches as soon as I could however I wear my brace faithfully every day. The only problem is I don't have many options when it comes to cute shoes because my brace would stretch them out.
Unfortunately around the same time I sprained my ankle, my grandfather (Poppy) ended up in the hospital with a severe staff infection and now has Congestive Heart Failure. Right now his status is end-of-life and going day-by-day.
Now I love my grandfather dearly and it would mean a lot to me to see him at my wedding. I also know it would mean a lot to him because I want to keep the ceremony/vows as the traditional Anglican vows(My Poppy use to be an Anglican minister). So because of all this Justin and I were talking about pushing our wedding date up from April of next year to this September. However we decided we would leave the decision up to my Granny.
When we went to visit her the other day we pulled her out into the living room of my aunt and uncles house (They live in a "Grandparent Suite" inside their house) and talked to her about it and told her we wanted her opinion and counsel. She blew us away by saying that, yes she thought it was a good idea. So we now have four months to pull everything together! It's going to be crazy! However if my parents can do it in two months I think we can do it in four!
So that's my exciting news! oh, and the fact that I graduated two months early is pretty exciting ;)

God Bless

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